
Sunraysia Institute of TAFE (SuniTAFE) and four aged care providers in the same region have joined forces in a collaborative partnership to upskill its workforce and set new standards for leadership in aged care.

The four providers collectively service 325 residents and employ nearly 400 staff. SuniTAFE worked with the providers to identify common problems across the sector. SuniTAFE found that transforming their leadership skills of their staff was important.

The collaborators developed a training solution and a Certificate IV in Leadership and Management was delivered on-site across the partnering aged care facilities.

Rotating course delivery from site to site allowed staff to observe how other facilities operated. New ideas were taken back to the other facilities to be shared and implemented. Participants developed self-confidence to actively lead staff through any challenges. The outcome has been an improved environment for aged residents requiring care in the community.