Powering up apprentices through quality training is a big deal for one of South Australia’s largest employers. It’s not just because SA Power Networks services 855,000 customers through a network of 88,000 kilometres of powerlines and 400 substations. It’s because the range of vocational education and training it has designed and rolled out to its workforce is key to its industry-leading safety performance.
As an Enterprise Registered Training Organisation, SA Power Networks delivers 84,000 hours of accredited training to its employees annually. In 2020 the company was training 105 apprentices in Certificate III in Electrotechnology (Electrician) and Certificate III in ESI Power Systems—Distribution.
The company has recently introduced new training methods, including virtual technology, e-training and simulated environments in a multi-million-dollar substation. The new substation has off-grid control rooms, poles and towers to ensure their apprentices are learning with the latest technology available.
SA Power Networks has a low lost-time-injury rate, high employee retention rates and internationally recognised best-in-industry skills. It is committed to increasing female participation in its ranks and encourages women to apply for roles.