Matthew Atkinson, a proud Bangerang man, changed his career as a carpenter and moved towards a career in the justice department where he provides direct support and services to the Aboriginal community.
Matthew offers strength based, holistic, family centred case management. He is passionate about equity and reducing the detrimental impacts of family violence.
Matthew appreciated that his training was delivered through a cultural lens with qualified and culturally appropriate trainers and assessors. His learning was further enriched by the other students who were drawn from various communities, tribes, and professions.
Matthew’s natural leadership has been honoured twice. After being nominated by peers, trainers and assessors, he won the Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Student Leadership award in 2019. In 2017, Matthew won his region’s Fairly Leadership Award, which recognised promising leaders from a range of experiences.
Matthew is now enjoying his role as Koori Case Manager with Shepparton Magistrates Court as well as being Chair of the Shepparton Local Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee.