Ms Marie Persson has spent over 30 years providing advice to governments on vocational education and training (VET) at the state and national level. As an Institute Director and later as the Deputy Director General, TAFE and Community Services, Ms Persson was a key player in bringing TAFE NSW into the 21st century.
Her membership of key VET committees that drive skills training in Australia and the awards bestowed on Ms Persson are testament to her expert knowledge, dedication and commitment to ensuring that we have a skilled workforce that meets the future needs of industry and the growing need for highly technically skilled workers.
In recognition of Ms Persson’s expertise in skills training and understanding and experience in determining industry and workforce needs, the NSW government appointed her to the NSW Skills Board. The Board is the peak body advising the NSW Minister for Skills and NSW Government on VET. Ms Persson currently chairs the Board’s Industry Reference Group.
From 2008 to 2014 Ms Persson was a member of the Skills Australia Board and the Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency, which provided advice to the Commonwealth Government on emerging and future skills and workforce development needs.
During her outstanding career, Ms Persson has also been a strong advocate for increasing the participation of people from disadvantaged backgrounds, indigenous Australians and people from non-English speaking backgrounds in VET so they can contribute to the prosperity of Australia.
Several awards have been conferred on Ms Persson in recognition of her skills and talents. In 2003, she was named NSW Telstra Business Woman of the Year. In the same year, she also received the Australian Telstra Community and Government Award.
In 1990, Ms Persson was awarded the International Literacy Year medal.