Western Australia

Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services (KAMS) Registered Training Organisation is committed to providing high quality VET training in the Kimberley region.

KAMS has been involved in training since 1983, when the first cohort of Aboriginal Health Workers graduated in Broome.

The RTO was first established to offer a local option to study Aboriginal Health Work without having to relocate to Perth. To support the students, KAMS has a dedicated Indigenous Regional Facilitator who works with health providers across the Kimberley to ensure students can achieve the requisite placements and experiences. 

KAMS offers two courses, a Certificate III and a Certificate IV in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care.

Overall, the Aboriginal Health Worker training program has seen more than 400 Aboriginal Health Workers graduate. Some Aboriginal Health Workers have gone on to become trainers within the School, some Registered Nurses and some are the very first Aboriginal Doctors from the Kimberley.