
Diploma of Nursing

Employer: Aboriginal Health Service - Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre 

Jessica Matthews is a young and proud Ngarla Aboriginal woman who has grown up in the palawa (Tasmanian Aboriginal) community.

Experiencing many adversities before and during her studies including Jessica’s then partner being diagnosed with a terminal illness, with the connection and support of the Aboriginal Support Officer at TasTAFE, Jessica has completed a Diploma of Nursing after almost five years of study.

During this time Jessica gained employment at the Aboriginal Health Service as a mentor for Aboriginal youth in care. She was later offered the role of Children’s Health Promotion Worker for Ear Health on the basis that she completes her Diploma.

Jessica’s long-term goal is to become a community midwife. Completing this Diploma has made her feel like she can achieve anything and she hopes to be a role model for the community.  

Thanks to the opportunities, connections and support she received during her training, Jessica wants to do the same for others.