Western Australia

Certificate III in Business

Employer: Motor Trade Association of WA 

Colleen Little is a proud Whadjuk Noongar woman who wants to break the barriers faced by Indigenous Australians by creating supportive systems and leadership for many generations to come.

Colleen loves cars and was interested in the automotive field. When the opportunity arose to complete a business traineeship at Motor Trade Association of Western Australia (MTA WA), she leapt at the chance.

A School-based Traineeship showed Colleen how beneficial a vocational education and training pathway can be. After completing the school-based traineeship, she pursued a Certificate III in Business and shortly after Colleen was offered full-time employment with MTA WA.

Colleen is passionate about redefining the way people speak about Aboriginal people by highlighting Indigenous successes and culture instead of failures. Colleen is proud to be a role model for her younger siblings and in her community.