Northern Territory

Charles Darwin University trainer Chrissy Zelley does not confine her classroom to four walls.

With her student group spanning an impressive 110,000 square kilometres in the Territory’s north, it can be difficult to deliver successful training courses. 

Chrissy teaches the Certificate III and Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care with students from Timber Creek, Kalkaringi, Mataranka, Ngukurr and Katherine.

However, the real obstacle for Chrissy is far more challenging as some students speak English as their fourth language.

While that has been a huge challenge, Chrissy has developed a relationship of trust with her students, resulting in positive outcomes on their progression.

One of Chrissy’s major career achievements has been the success of her Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care students located in Ngukurr.

Chrissy has been fortunate to have some special teaching moments where students have persevered with their studies against all odds to become qualified.