
Father of three, Kieran Chilcott is the Executive Officer of Kalwun Development Corporation Limited, a not for profit organisation employing 135 staff and delivering a range of welfare, health, aged care and community services to Aboriginal communities in south east Queensland.

Qualification: Certificate IV in Mental Health
Employer: Kalwun Development Corporation Ltd
Training provider: TAFE Queensland Gold Coast

Father of three, Kieran Chilcott is the Executive Officer of Kalwun Development Corporation Limited, a not for profit organisation employing 135 staff and delivering a range of welfare, health, aged care and community services to Aboriginal communities in south east Queensland.

Motivated by a desire to learn more about mental health, Kieran completed a Certificate IV in Mental Health with TAFE Queensland Gold Coast in June this year.

The qualification has enabled Kieran to further support his employees with their work in the mental health sector. In particular, the learnings of his qualification has assisted him to strategise and plan around the increasing number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients and patients of the Kalwun Development Corporation requiring mental health plans and support services.

Kieran considers himself a committed and dedicated lifelong learner having also completed a Bachelor of Education, a Diploma of Management, a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, a Certificate IV in Project Management and a Certificate IV in Business (Governance).