Qualification: Diploma of Nursing; Certificate III in Individual Support
RTO: Australian Nursing Midwifery Education Centre (ANMEC)
Employer: Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SAHLN)
Determined to improve health outcomes for Aboriginal people in South Australia, Stephanie decided to enter an Aboriginal Enrolled Nurse Cadetship program.
As part of her cadetship, Stephanie was enrolled in a Certificate III in Individual Support and Diploma of Nursing at the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Education Centre and employed through the Southern Adelaide Local Health Network.
Stephanie is a strong advocate for cadetships as a pathway to achieve nursing qualifications, as it enabled her to gain practical experience in the workplace while undertaking her studies.
As an Aboriginal nurse, Stephanie offers Aboriginal patients an opportunity to build trust in and connection with the health sector, which she believes is an essential aspect of improved health services for Aboriginal people.
Now employed as an Enrolled Nurse at the Flinders Medical Centre, Stephanie is supporting Diploma of Nursing students to understand the importance of Aboriginal cultural safety in health care settings.