Northern Territory-based Ros Bauer is passionate about implementing programs to support people with the development of their language, literacy and numeracy skills.
Northern Territory-based Ros Bauer is passionate about implementing programs to support people with the development of their language, literacy and numeracy skills.
Ros’ clients have ranged from initial engagement learners to university graduates in specialist fields and she now runs her own business Ros Bauer Adult Literacy Services.
With a Masters of Education, specialising in literacy and teaching English to speakers of other languages, and with more than 17 years’ experience in the field, Ros is currently working with Indigenous and culturally and linguistically diverse learners in the remote Northern Territory community of Yuendumu.
In collaboration with the Warlpiri Youth Development Aboriginal Corporation and the former Warlpiri-patu kurlangu Jaru College, Ros has been involved in the delivery of a Workplace English Language and Literacy program and has also established an adult learning centre in the community. This has created training and job opportunities for Warlpiri people in the human services, community services, building and construction, training and education sectors. Negotiations are now underway between the Warlpiri Education Training Trust, Batchelor Institute of Indigenous and Tertiary Education, Central Lands Council and the Warlpiri Youth Development for permanent delivery of vocational education and training in Yuendumu.
Rewarded for her outstanding achievements in this field, Ros won the Excellence in Language, Literacy and Numeracy Practice Award at the 2013 Australian Training Awards.
“Winning the Excellence in Language, Literacy and Numeracy Award is an acknowledgement of the work that I have been doing in community capacity building,” Ros said.
“In a broader sense, this award acknowledges the achievements of Warlpiri people in the Yuendumu community and the way they have embraced a learning culture.
“Adult literacy underpins everything we do, in our personal lives, community or civic lives or our work lives. By winning an Australian Training Award I hope I can raise the profile of adult language, literacy and numeracy at a national level.”
Ros has been involved with both the New South Wales and Northern Territory Council of Adult Literacy and Numeracy Network and a member of the Australian Council for Adult Literacy, the Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL) Practitioners network and other professional bodies.
Download the Australian Training Awards fact sheet on Ros's achievements. Watch the video of Ros after receiving the award.