Diploma of Nursing
RTO: Sunraysia Institute of TAFE
Employer: Kerang District Health
When Pearl proudly graduated with a Diploma of Nursing from Sunraysia Institute of TAFE, she was fulfilling her lifelong dream of becoming a nurse. Starting at Kerang District Hospital in a graduate role, Pearl quickly moved into a permanent position working in the aged care department, which she finds a fulfilling and enriching experience.
Pearl’s nursing training has been a great complement to her commitment as a member of the Mallee District Aboriginal Services Board, where she worked towards better health outcomes for the community living along the Murray River.
While studying for her diploma, there were many times Pearl thought about putting her studies aside, but she knew that if she did, there was a good chance that she wouldn’t go back. Those who witnessed her challenges, admired her perseverance and drive towards achieving her goals.
Her incredible resilience has placed Pearl in a role model position for her community. Achieving her diploma has given her the confidence to encourage and support others to embrace a nursing career.