As the peak body and voice of WA’s automotive industry, the Motor Trade Association of Western Australia (MTA WA) is also a registered training organisation (RTO) and group training organisation (GTO). It trains nearly 50% of all light vehicle technicians in the state and employs over 350 apprentices through its GTO arm.
The association has almost 1,600 members, from large automotive corporations to small family-owned enterprises. Representing the full automotive supply chain, members span the retail, service, repair and maintenance sectors. This opens numerous career opportunities for its budding automotive apprentices.
Prioritising innovation, adaptability, quality and inclusivity in its trade-relevant training programs, MTA WA Training Inc draws upon its extensive membership base to ensure its delivery approach is meeting current industry needs.
MTA WA Training is committed to training the next generation of light vehicle automotive technicians, and thereby contributing to the efficiency and safety of Western Australia’s automotive sector.