
Certificate IV in Business  

Employer: Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority 

Madeline Wade has completed Certificates III and IV in Business while working at the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA) in Tasmania.

She chose a traineeship to ultimately assist with her goal of becoming a nurse and working in a management position. However, she also has a deep interest in the history of the historic site in Port Arthur.

While at first glance it might appear that a traineeship at a world heritage listed organisation is rather an indirect route to a nursing career, Madeline feels it will help her in her future role.

Madeline has held a variety of positions at the PAHSMA, exposing her to working with a diverse range of people which she will also experience when she becomes a nurse. 

During her traineeship Madeline was invited to speak at the Year 10 Work Inspirations Program to advise students about her on-the-job work experience as well as the formal training.