Partners: IAHA Group Training (GTO), Fox Education and Consultancy (RTO), Host Employers
The IAHA NT Aboriginal Health Academy was formed by Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA), IAHA Group Training and Fox Education and Consultancy in 2018. It offers school-based traineeships in allied health assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students through a culturally supportive group training model.
With the intent of improving secondary education pathways for young Indigenous people, the academy enables Year 11 and 12 students to access education, training and employment pathways that meet their individual aspirations.
Students complete the program with a Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance and their NT Certificate of Education and Training.
The academy is located in a culturally safe setting at Charles Darwin University, and all training is delivered by Indigenous teachers. Host employers undertake cultural responsiveness training to ensure they can support students during their work placements.
Strong communication and shared values play a vital part in this successful collaboration.