Help Enterprises started in 1968 as a non-profit organisation to enhance the lives and independence of people with disabilities, before becoming a registered training organisation in 1995.
Help Enterprises started in 1968 as a non-profit organisation to enhance the lives and independence of people with disabilities, before becoming a registered training organisation in 1995.
Help Enterprises places approximately 70 per cent of trainees in the workforce, and trains students to industry standards at a range of multi-million dollar facilities at locations from Toowong to Bribie Island.
Rewarded for its outstanding commitment to the provision of nationally recognised training, the organisation won the 2013 Small Training Provider of the Year Award at the Australian Training Awards.
“Being named Small Training Provider of the Year will make a huge difference to Help Enterprises,” Help Enterprises spokesperson Stacey Turnbull said.
“We are a small not-for-profit that flies under the radar, so to get this recognition will be absolutely incredible.
“We will be able to reach more employers and more people with disabilities who need training to find employment.
“The Australian Training Awards are incredibly important for organisations like ours, registered training organisations, it offers up new opportunities, new avenues, people know who we are.”
The organisation partners with employers and invests in infrastructure and technology to ensure students graduate with the best chance of succeeding. Trainers with skill-specific qualifications are employed while training is customised.
The group targets blossoming industries such as tourism and transport logistics to ensure the greatest success for students.
Once workers are placed, Help Enterprises’ field officers check on their progress and provide guidance.
Download the Australian Training Awards fact sheet on Help Enterprises's achievements. Watch the video of Help Enterprises after receiving the award.