
Ninety-three year old Box Hill Institute is currently experiencing one of the most exciting periods in its proud history. In 2014 the Institute embarked on a comprehensive change and renewal program which has been at the heart of its success in winning the Large Training Provider of the Year Award at the 2016 Australian Training Awards.

“In 2014 we gained a new CEO, Mr Norman Gray AM with a great mix of skills who has challenged our thinking and isn’t scared to push the boundaries of 21st Century VET training,” said Jennifer Oliver, Executive Director Academic Affairs. “The result is a new strategic plan which has the buy in and endorsement of the leadership team and staff who are passionate about making a difference to the lives of our students.

“While Box Hill Institute has earned many accolades and awards over the years, a recent major focus on innovation has been a distinguishing factor and undoubtedly was a major factor in winning us the jewel in the crown at the Australian Training Awards, in the face of some very strong competition,” said Jennifer.

Already, the Institute’s new strategic plan has resulted in two impressive achievements: the re-opening of the Lilydale Lakeside Campus in Melbourne’s outer east and the winning of a $40 million tender to provide training to Victoria’s prisoners through an agreement with Corrections Victoria.

“Innovative thinking has made it possible for us to restore education at Swinburne University’s formerly closed Lilydale campus, transforming it into a modern, integrated tertiary facility with built in commercial revenue streams and partnerships to ensure its ongoing sustainability.

“The Corrections Victoria project includes skills based training designed to prepare inmates to find work and assimilate into the community, and a case management approach which enables prisoners to receive mentoring or continuation of their training after their release. This was something Corrections Victoria hadn’t seen before.

“We also aren’t afraid to be trailblazers in meeting new industry needs,” said Jennifer. “Our recognition of a looming skills shortage in the field of cyber security has resulted in the development of a Certificate IV in Information Security designed with the support and endorsement of cyber security experts.

“Box Hill Institute’s vision is to be community educators for industry, work and life, and in doing that, to be Australia’s number one global vocational education and training provider,” said Jennifer. “The Australian Training Awards acknowledge that we are on the right path and I have no doubt that our strong leadership, together with the passion and professionalism of our staff, will ensure our vision is realised.”