The Australian Racing and Equine Academy addresses workforce development issues within the racing industry through a combination of licensing reform, flexible training and assessment solutions and increased safety of racetracks and horse training facilities.
The Australian Racing and Equine Academy addresses workforce development issues within the racing industry through a combination of licensing reform, flexible training and assessment solutions and increased safety of racetracks and horse training facilities.
“We identified that we were an industry that typically hadn’t done a lot of training so it was important for us to focus on improving the skills and safety of our industry,” General Manager – Workforce Development and Training Opportunities at Racing NSW, Maurice Logue said.
The Academy was formed through a partnership between TAFE NSW – Western Sydney Institute and Racing NSW and was recognised nationally in 2013 for its exemplary skills development collaboration by winning the coveted Industry Collaboration Award at the Australian Training Awards.
“Partnerships are really what vocational education and training is all about,” Institute Director of TAFE NSW – Western Sydney Institute Susan Hartigan said.
“This collaboration has brought the training and skills capacity that we have as a TAFE institute together with the industry knowledge and the expertise of Racing NSW. Together it is the perfect partnership.”
The Thoroughbred Racing Industry contributes significantly to New South Wales’ economy and is a major employer in occupations such as jockey, track rider, stable hand, barrier attendant, horse trainer, farrier and equine nurse.
These occupations interact daily with horses and require training and skills development with a specific focus on safety.
“This award gives an affirmation of the success of vocational education and training for industry,” Whitney Rousham, Director, Business Development of TAFE NSW – Western Sydney Institute said.
“In winning this award we would really like to thank and acknowledge all the fantastic staff involved. We have some fabulous people who are industry specialists and teachers and trainers who have the expertise to bring the whole program to life.”
Since the formation of the Australian Racing and Equine Academy, the numbers of employees in nationally recognised training have increased, employee compensation claims have decreased and a wider range of support services are available.
Download the Australian Training Awards fact sheet on Australian Racing and Equine Academy's achievements. Watch the video of Australian Racing and Equine Academy after receiving the award.