Aaliyah Morley
New South Wales

Certificate III in School Based Education Support

RTO: KARBEN Training Solutions

School: Peel High School

Employer: NSW Department of Education

Aaliyah felt it was her responsibility to pursue a teaching qualification. “As a proud Gomeroi woman, I want to be part of the change,” she says. “I want to help close the education gap for Indigenous People and link students with learning their local Gamilaraay language and culture.”  

Propelling her to take on a Certificate III in School Based Education Support, her sense of responsibility has allowed Aaliyah to connect with her purpose. “I am deeply passionate and devoted to my community, so this course was the best decision I ever made for myself and my future,” says Aaliyah. “Being able to help normalise Gamilaraay culture throughout the school environment, and being a role model—it’s been nothing but rewarding.”   

Alongside studying for the HSC, Aaliyah remained dedicated to her community through Indigenous dance and weaving, her role as a student representative and her work at the local primary school. Her commitment to the learning and engagement of Aboriginal culture is what makes her great at what she does, as well as her gentle, compassionate nature.  

Her greatest reward are the ripples that Aaliyah’s success creates throughout her community. “My qualification has impacted my students, my community and my family—I am the only one to achieve an SBAT, which encourages other young people to consider this pathway”.