The VET Teacher/Trainer of the Year Award will recognise innovation and excellence by a teacher/trainer providing nationally recognised training to students at a registered training organisation (RTO), or in partnership with an RTO.
Eligibility criteria for the Australian Training Awards
Nominees for this award must be a permanent resident of Australia and have won the equivalent state or territory training awards in 2025.
To nominate for the award the applicant must:
- meet the Australian Training Awards Conditions of Entry requirements
- be a qualified teacher/trainer (as determined by the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 ) who is employed by an RTO or regularly contracted by an RTO
- have delivered training during the period 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2025*, which has led or will lead to nationally recognised qualifications or Statements of Attainment under the Australian Qualifications Framework
- be endorsed by the RTO and evidence of qualification must be submitted with the nomination, and
- nominate in the state or territory where they are delivering training.
* eligibility timeframe may be amended for individual state or territory requirements.
Section A: Overview
This information will not be considered or used for judging purposes, but it may be used as your summary throughout the Awards process.
Nominees provide an overview of the trainer/teacher’s areas of expertise, qualifications, courses/classes taught, education and work background, a description of the environment in which the trainer/teacher operates and any specific challenges which were encountered and overcome during the course of their teaching/training.
(Limit 300 words)
Section B: Selection Criteria
This information will be considered and used for judging purposes.
Criterion 1: Excellence and initiatives
- What involvement have you had in the development of new learning methodologies and training delivery?
- Describe an initiative you have implemented which has led to innovation/improvement in your delivery and/or assessment practice.
- How have you shared the outcomes of your innovation/improvement with your colleagues?
- What has been the impact of these initiatives/improvements on your learners, your colleagues and your industry partners?
(limit: 600 words)
Criterion 2: Learner needs and focus
- How do you support the diverse needs of your learners and ensure they continue to be enaged in their learning journey?
- What evidence is there of the effectiveness of the design and delivery methodologies of your training program?
- Provide examples where you have initiated a new idea/activity etc. in response to feedback?
- Provide examples of the learner/industry/community feedback mechanisms you use?
(limit: 600 words)
Criterion 3: Commitment to VET teaching and learning
- How do you maintain and grow your own skills and knowledge?
- How do you support others to develop their skills and knowledge?
- Provide examples of your engagement with VET professionals?
(limit: 600 words)
Criterion 4: Links with industry and community
- How are active links with industry and the community implemented in practice?
- What are the major issues confronting the industry(s) your program engages with?
- How can VET help address these issues?
- What level of engagement do you have with industry and professional bodies?
- How do you promote VET in industry and the community?
(limit: 600 words)
For further information visit your relevant state or territory training awards website.