The Innovation in VET Award recognises and celebrates innovation initiatives in the vocational education and training (VET) and skills sector.

Eligibility criteria for the Australian Training Awards

Nominees must:

  • meet the Australian Training Awards Conditions of Entry requirements
  • the initiative must be delivering nationally recognised training that leads to formal qualifications or Statements of Attainment under the Australian Qualifications Framework
  • nominate with an innovation initiative that has operated between 1 July 2023 and 31 December 2025
  • submit their nomination here.

Selection criteria

Criterion 1: Creativity, innovation and outstanding practice of the initiative

Criterion 2: Achievements of the innovation initiative

Criterion 3: Impacts of the innovation initiative

Criterion 4: Future of the innovation initiative

Preparing your Nomination

Nominations are to be submitted by direct entry to the Australian Training Awards here.

Section A: Overview

This information will not be considered or used for short listing or judging purposes, but it may be used as a summary of your organisation(s) throughout the Awards process.

Provide a brief description of the organisation(s), how the organisation(s) developed and contributed to the innovation initiative, what the innovation initiative is and the impacts that the innovation initiative is having in the VET and skills sector.

(Limit: 500 words)

Section B: Nominees will be judged against the following selection criteria

Criterion 1: Creativity, innovation and outstanding practice of the initiative

Criterion 2: Achievements of the innovation initiative

Criterion 3: Impacts of the innovation initiative

Criterion 4: Future of the innovation initiative

Addressing the selection criteria

This information will be considered and used for short listing and judging purposes. Please be aware that your responses to the selection criteria will be strengthened by the inclusion of measurable results and appropriate indicators (including customer satisfaction data and other types of external validation).

The selection criteria should be the focus of the nomination. Up to ten (10) single A4 pages of relevant evidence may be provided. Attachments exceeding 10 pages will not be considered.

In developing your nomination, you may wish to take into account the considerations below.

Note: considerations are not additional selection criteria, but are provided to clarify what may be relevant to include when writing a response for each criteria.

Criterion 1: Creativity, innovation and outstanding practice of the initiative

Describe the extent to which the innovation initiative goes above and beyond standard practice in training and skills development.

For example, you may consider:

  • Why was the innovation initiative developed?
  • How is the innovation initiative meeting emerging or unmet industry needs?
  • How has the innovation initiative been developed?
  • Who are the key stakeholders involved?
  • What specific need is being addressed by the innovative initiative?

(Limit: 800 words)

Criterion 2: Achievements of the innovation initiative


  • What outcomes have been achieved through the innovation initiative (including qualifications and skill sets awarded)?
  • What improvements or achievements have you identified as a result of the innovation initiative?
  • What gaps have been filled in the VET and skills sector through the innovation initiative?
  • What new or improved opportunities/career pathways have been or will be created through the innovation initiative?

(Limit: 800 words)

Criterion 3: Impacts of the innovation initiative


  • How does the innovation initiative benefit the participants, the community, and the broader VET system?
  • What quality improvement/performance evaluations of the innovation initiative are undertaken
  • What learnings have been identified through the innovation initiative and how will these be leveraged to improve future outcomes?

(Limit: 800 words)

Criterion 4: Future of the innovation initiative


  • What is the future of the innovation initiative?
  • How could the innovation initiative and its outcomes be replicated or modelled for other purposes, organisations or industries?

(Limit: 800 words)