The Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) Renewable Energy Industry collaboration is a joint approach to researching and building sustainable networks, training opportunities and career pathways for jobs in the global renewables industry. The program involves working with key global stakeholders to build Canberra’s capacity as a national tertiary education and trades skills hub.
CIT, Neoen and Vestas have formed a strong partnership through the establishment of the CIT Renewable Energy Skills Centre of Excellence and the CIT Renewables Board.
Collaboration between Neoen and CIT originated following Neoen’s success in securing a long-term feed-in tariff for power in the ACT Government’s first Wind Auction in 2015. Since 2017, both CIT and Vestas have remained committed to raising awareness about career opportunities within the renewables sector and to ensuring they are at the forefront globally in training the renewables workforce now and into the future.
Together, these organisations are delivering positive outcomes for students in industries with strong prospects. With a passion for the VET industry and climate, the group provides a platform to share the exciting opportunities associated with the renewables industry with the local community and schools. The collaboration also strives to demonstrate the technological, social and environmental benefits that flow from embracing wind technology and renewables sector training.