Kent Saddlery was established in 1988 by Lyle and Helen Kent.
The company started with Lyle making every saddle. Now it is a larger operation that employs 14 staff and specialises in producing quality leather products.
In 2019, Kent Saddlery succeeded in its quest to have the Queensland Government reinstate leather production as a Queensland Apprenticeship. This gave saddlers around Queensland the ability to train and employ apprentices. At a time when apprentice training in the saddlery industry was non-existent in Queensland, it led to future growth and training of the sector.
Over the past 12 months, 70 per cent of the staff at Kent Saddlery participated in nationally accredited training. Out of the 10 apprentices employed, seven are first-year apprentices, and three are third-year apprentices. In addition, Kent Saddlery has been able to provide a new school-based apprentice the opportunity to start working toward his saddlery trade.