
Train 2 Learn (T2L) has championed industry-led qualifications in hospitality and warehousing since its establishment in 2011. Through collaboration with TAFEs and private training providers across Victoria, T2L’s industry-led, workplace-based learning education programme supports individual learning pathways.

Train 2 Learn (T2L) has championed industry-led qualifications in hospitality and warehousing since its establishment in 2011. Through collaboration with TAFEs and private training providers across Victoria, T2L’s industry-led, workplace-based learning education programme supports individual learning pathways.

T2L works with Australian Apprenticeships Centres and group training organisations to modify workplaces to accommodate students with a range of disabilities, cultivating inclusivity and participation acceptance. More than 300 clients with disability have been supported to return to work.

T2L’s youth programme provides career planning transition for clients in Years 9 to 12, and a supported programme is in place for special needs students with complex disabilities in Year 13. This programme has a completion rate of 90 per cent at the Certificate II level and 80 per cent at Certificate III.

T2L has created links with education providers in South Australia, Queensland, Western Australia and New South Wales, and is looking at expanding its scope of services.