Paul Rasmussen is the Head of Learning at one of Australia’s largest providers of community services, Uniting Care Community, and has been instrumental in the development of its registered training organisation arm which provides qualifications within the Health and Community Services Training Package.
Paul Rasmussen is the Head of Learning at one of Australia’s largest providers of community services, Uniting Care Community, and has been instrumental in the development of its registered training organisation arm which provides qualifications within the Health and Community Services Training Package.
In fact, Paul’s ongoing commitment and focus on UnitingCare’s Leadership Framework and Leadership Training Program has assisted UnitingCare to secure government funding and deliver 285 vocational education and training (VET) places in the community services industry.
In recognition of his work, Paul won the Leadership in VET Quality Award at the 2013 Australian Training Awards.
“I was thrilled to win the national Leadership in VET Quality Award, it was fantastic recognition for me, and has shined a light on the important work we do in the community services sector,” Paul said.
“I had a great experience winning the award, and witnessing the talent present in the VET sector. The Australian Training Awards is something that both changes lives and puts a spotlight the quality of vocational education in this country.
“I could not be more proud to win an award for leadership in within the VET sector. I am privileged to be in a role where we are in a position to change lives.
“The work we do with our students - be they school-based or mature aged makes a real difference - it allows them to do things and have careers that some of them would never have had access to without their qualifications and the support of their teachers and trainers and everyone else in the industry,” Paul said.
Paul also focuses on the administration and management skills of UnitingCare staff, implementing programs with qualifications ranging from the Certificate IV in Frontline Management to the Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management as well as graduate programs.
Download the Australian Training Awards fact sheet on Paul's achievements. Watch the video of Paul after receiving the award.