
TasTAFE was formed in 2013 with the merging of Tasmanian Polytechnic and the Tasmanian Skills Institute and is the largest registered training organisation in Tasmania. In its first year of operations, its 14 campuses delivered 7.6 million hours of training, across 375 qualifications, to more than 32 000 students, 7577 of whom completed their qualifications.

TasTAFE was formed in 2013 with the merging of Tasmanian Polytechnic and the Tasmanian Skills Institute and is the largest registered training organisation in Tasmania. In its first year of operations, its 14 campuses delivered 7.6 million hours of training, across 375 qualifications, to more than 32 000 students, 7577 of whom completed their qualifications.

TasTAFE has strategic relationships with a range of stakeholders, including industry and employers. It liaises with these groups to identify current and future skills needs, allowing the TAFE to ensure delivery of appropriate courses. Examples of industries that are benefitting from this relationship include tour guiding, wool classing and agri-business.

TasTAFE offers an individual support programme, Boost, to students studying at Certificate III level or higher with disability or mental health issues. The Skills for Life Student Support Program is addressing completion rates through its support of Australian Apprentices.